Comments On Web Sitewww.submission.orgI stumbled across your page trying to understand Ramadan and the potential consequences of the ill- conceived air strike against Iraq. So, I came here surrounded by a cloak of war and have found exactly the opposite. Thank God. I profess complete ignorance of the Quran and so, have downloaded the translation you offer. I am looking forward to reading it. Though raised a Christian, I have always had an intuitive conflict with the divinity of Christ. I have never argued against that divinity though. Who am I to decide that? I will only say that the clarity and simplicity of God Alone is comforting and feels right to me somehow. Thank you for your efforts to maintain this web site. I plan to visit often. * * * * * * * * * * |
Assalaam aleikum, I am learning a lot from this website, ma sha allah. This is the first time that I have heard to disregard sunna and hadith. It makes sense. How is this accepted amongst scholars today? I converted to Islam 6 years ago and am striving to learn everyday. Ramadan Mubarak Wa salaam Marria * * * * * * * * * * In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Thanks for your great web-site This is the greatest Islamic web-site ever created. It is consistently on top of most topics. It is by far the ultimate source for Islam on the Internet. I just love it. It is really such a good source of information on-line. It regularly updates its topics and brings new ideas. What could be better? This site is setup in such a way that it answers questions as they arise;
it leaves no stone unturned. I spent a great deal of time surfing on it,
unlike any other site. |
It is an excellent guide for those interested in the Quran and its relation to other religions, a gripping homepage and a must visit for all those who are seeking the truth. Ramadan Mubarek to all of you, Karim Azzouzi * * * * * * * * * * I just wanted to tell you what a wonderful web site you have created. I, myself, am a Christian, and I had never had any idea of how much there was in common between the Bible and the Quran. I thank you for what you are doing and glory to God in the highest! The world will be a much better place when we stop hating each other for misperceived differences. Scott [Ed’s note: We always welcome and appreciate
the comments, suggestions and contributions of our readers. God bless
you all.] |