September 2003: Page 1, 2, 3, 4

Rajab 1424

Volume 19 No 9

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Submitters Perspective

Monthly Bulletin of the International Community of Submitters Published by Masjid Tucson

Magnifying GOD

Submitting Creatures

This is a small study on the number of creatures who disagreed with Satan (33:72). They took the opportunity to kill their egos and submit to God’s Absolute Authority. Of the billions of creatures that live on earth, which do you think are the largest in number?

The first reaction would be to say “human beings,” of course. Why, our species seem to be just about everywhere. Well, for all our arrogance we would be surprised to learn that we are very wrong. And, we would be astounded to find out that the record for the most abundant organisms on Earth is held by insects. And even among insects, it is the ants that dominate. As we know God named Sura 27 The Ant.

From the Arctic Circle to the tip of South America, there are over

20,000 species of ants, and those are only the ones that have been discovered so far. In the rain forests, ants make up ten percent of what scientists term the biomass. That is, if all the animals, birds and insects in the forest were to be collected, dried and weighed, for every 100 kg of combined weight, 10 kg would be made up of ants alone.

Did you know that for every 100 kg of people, there are 1,000 kg of termites!!!

Did you know that a single tree in the tropics could have more than 1,000 different kinds of insects living on it at the same time!!!

No one is quite sure how many species live on our planet. Scientists believe that less than 5 per cent of the world’s species have been recorded by humans. So far over 1.4

million species have been identified. But scientists estimate that the total number of species could be any where between 10 and 100 million.

Data from “The Diversity of Life” by E. O. Wilson provide us the breakup of the 1.4 million species identified:

Bacteria 4,800 species
Fungi 69,000 species
Algae 26,900 species
Trees, shrubs and higher plants 248,400 species
Protozoa 30,800 species
Sponges 5,000 species
Corals and jellyfish 9,000 species
Flatworms 12,200 species
Roundworms 12,000 species
Earthworms 12,000 species

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